Princeton, Indiana Jaycees
"Young People Making a Difference"

Who We Are - What We Do
OUR MISSION - In an environment that fosters true friendship, we offer the best opportunities for community service and leadership development to young Americans, age 21-39.

Meeting Information
MEETINGS! Our meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, 7 p.m., at the Princeton Jaycees Clubhouse (the corner of 4th & Glendale Street) We'd love
to see you there!

Telephone - 812-385-2013
Postal address - P.O. Box 551 Princeton, IN 47670
Electronic mail - General Information: President Vernon Spindler

Veron's Monthly Message
Click here for:
The President's Perspective

Princeton Jaycees
June - July 2002 Calendar of Events
June 6th - Board Meeting--6:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. All officers are asked to attend and chapter members are welcome.
June 6th - Membership Meeting/Chapter Elections--7:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. Find out about what is coming up this month. We hope to see you there.
June 17th - Board Meeting--6:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. All officers are asked to attend and chapter members are welcome.
June 17th - Membership Meeting and Sweet Sounds of the Dulcimer Program--7:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. This will be a short meeting. Information concerning the upcoming County Fair Projects and some knee-slapping Dulcimer music.
July 4th - Independence Day - Flags Up Around the Square -- Please contact Scott Hartman (385-2847) if you would like to help put up or take downt the flags around the square.
July 4th - Board Meeting--6:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. All officers are asked to attend and chapter members are welcome.
July 4th - Membership Meeting--7:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. We would love to see you there.
July 18th - Board Meeting--6:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. All officers are asked to attend and chapter members are welcome.
July 18th - Membership Meeting--7:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Clubhouse. We hope to see you there.
September 27th, 28th and 29th - State Convention--at French Lick Springs and Resort. The Indiana Jaycees' celebration will include awards, training, dining and dancing. Call Vernon at 386-6775 for more information.

June 14-17th - was the U.S. Jaycees 80th Annual Convention in Chattanooga, TN Click here: to view photos

One of the parents of a child that was on our Needy Kids Christmas list sent in the following:
Dear Jaycees,
I want to take a minute to thank you for the visit and the gift. My son was very happy. He looks forward to seeing Santa every year. I'm thankful for people like you who care. May God watch over you all. Thank you. Happy New Year!
An appreciative parent

1999 Jaycee Week Celebration
Click here for:
An Update of Our Jaycee Week Activities

Welcome New Members
Click here to see a
roster of new kids on our Jaycee block.

1999 Award Winning Princeton Jaycees
Click here:
A listing and some photos of the 1999 Award Winners

Princeton, Indiana Cyber Cross Roads
Click here:
For Links to Princeton's News, Organizations, Schools, Trivia, Facts, History and much much more.

Princeton Jaycees Scrapbook
Click here:
To see our chapter members in action.

To create your very own Jaycee Story. Over 500 stories created so far!
Click here:

Princeton Jaycees Guest Book
Sign Our Guestbook
View Our Guestbook

Last modified: June 16, 2002

The United States Junior Chamber of Commerce is the chartering national organization of the Princeton Jaycees

The Jaycee Creed
by C. William Brownfield
We Believe...
That faith in God gives meaning
and purpose to human life;
That the brotherhood of man transcends
the sovereignty of nations;
That economic justice can best be won by
free men through free enterprise;
That goverment should be of laws
rather than of men;
That earth's great treasure lies
in human personality;
And that service to humanity
is the best work of life.

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